Shaking off the shackles of writer’s block (as any writer knows) is not easy, but I’ve learned that anything worth doing is rarely as easy as it seems when you start out. Occasionally, just starting out is the difficult part. I decided to use the strategy my own coach, Scott Lewis, taught me when I…Continue Reading “One sentence at a time”
It was destined to happen sooner or later, that dreaded affliction of every writer–block! Here I was, steaming along at a locomotive clip when I slowed down to see the track ahead better and eventually slammed on the brakes. Now I’m sitting on the rails reluctant to stoke the engine fire for fear (yes, there’s…Continue Reading “Writers’ Block, or Fear?”
When I was 15 years old, an outspoken young friend of mine said to me, “Not everyone is going to like you. no matter how nice you are.” I was shocked. How could it be that no matter how hard I tried and no matter what I did to achieve what I thought was perfection,…Continue Reading “Be real, not perfect”